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At Coschen Tower #2

Tower Shot 4

There were 8 shots in taken of the entire view from the tower. 360/8 = 45 degrees. Now if I had a nice tripod with a protractor on it, these shots would have made one helluva panoramic view.

Tower Shot 5

45 or so more degrees to the right.

Ok, this side was a bit monotonous in its greens, and whites, and blues, and greys. Some titbits. This whole route was built in the early years of this century by the British, who set up vast tea and spice estates in Munnar. They built this road to carry all the produce to Kodaikkanal. The road was inaugurated in 1929, by the two daughters of some British officer who was posted in the area.

Tower Shot 6

I wasn’t just kidding about the monotony, eh ?

Hey, if anybody is good at manipulating images, could you give a shot trying to paste all of these end to end ? The road was maintained initially by the Brits and later by the Indian government till about the 60’s or so. It’s been entirely disused since then. Though, I must admit that I find it hard to believe that this road was used by transport vehicles. It wasn’t even 2 metres at it’s widest. Or maybe it was just a case of nature reclaiming its own after the ravages of man.