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Book Reviews and a reader log

Norwegian Wood

Toru, a young college student in Tokyo, is devoted to Naoko, but their mutual passion is marred by the death of their beir friend years before...

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The Lovely Bones

The book begins with the tragic death of a fourteen-year-old girl, Susie Salmon (like the fish). From there, Susie's spirit narrates in first person the lives of Susie’s family, friends and murderer.

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The Giver

At the age of twelve, Jonas, a young boy from a seemingly utopian, futuristic world, is singled out to receive special training from The Giver, who alone holds the memories of the true joys and pain of life.

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A Time To Kill

A riveting court-room drama and a compelling tale of retribution and justicea in small town Mississippi, where both the crime and the fallout are highly racially charged...

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Memoirs of a Geisha

A world where women's artistry is to entice the most powerful men; where their virginity is auctioned to the highest bidder, and where love is scorned...

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The Killing Floor

Jack Reacher. Ex-Military Police, current drifter, is passing through a small town when he is suddenly arrested for a murder he knows nothing about. He expects the case of mistaken identity to be quickly resolved, but soon finds out that he is connected to the case... very intimately.

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The Big Sleep

The first book featuring tough-as-nails P.I. Philip Marlowe... private eye, educated, heroic, streetwise, rugged individualist, hero... a complete man, a common man, and yet, a highly unusual man.

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Tedious and pretentious young adult novel set in an unrealistic dystopian Chicago

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Seven pilgrims set out on a potentially fatal one-way trip to visit the Time Tombs on the planet of Hyperion, where a godlike killing machine called the Shrike will possibly grant one of them a wish -- and probably slaughter the rest...

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Murder on the Orient Express

A train stopped at midnight in the snow. A dead body found in a compartment. Twelve stab wounds leave no doubt it was murder. And Hercule Poirot, tasked with solving the crime, is certain the culprit is a passenger on the Orient Express.

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Into Thin Air

A personal account of the Mount Everest disaster of 1996 by one of the climbers.

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The Picture of Dorian Gray

A classic study of shallowness, vanity, casual cruelty and hedonistic selfishness, all presented as a suspenseful Gothic horror novel

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