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I Am Legend

by Richard Matheson — 03 Oct 2023

A plague has struck, and Robert Neville is the last man alive, and the rest of the world are undead vampires, thirsting for Neville's blood. He hunts them by day, and barricades himself by night. But how long will this continue...

Following a nuclear war, a global pandemic breaks out, which converts the diseased into vampires. They are then allergic to garlic, avoid sunlight, and are only killed by a stake through the heart. Most are mindless beasts, but some retain all their human faculties. Robert Neville, the narrator, is the sole survivor. Before the war, he was bitten by a bat in Panama once, rendering him immune to the disease. Neville narrates the feelings of utter loneliness and despair he feels at being the last human left alive. He spends his days hunting them, and burning their remains in a giant bonfire. He spends the nights barricaded in his house, as they collect outside ranting and taunting him.

The local vampire mob is led by Ben Cortman, a colleague and neighbour who reminded him on Oliver Hardy (the comedian). Cortman shouts every evening he should come out. Robert starts doing research on the bacterium that transforms humans into vampires. He makes analyses, and understands the disease better, but he does not progress beyond that. At some point, a dog enters his life. He cares for it for a while, but eventually the dog is infected and dies too. A lady calling herself Ruth shows up, but he cannot discern if she is infected or not.

Where does it end? How does it all turn out? The last paragraph explains the cryptic title, “I am legend!”

This is a fantastic, extremely well written book with a compelling plot and graceful prose. The story pulls you in and refuses to let you put the book down. An absolute must read!